Flow Smart Contract


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    BlockApex and Flow

    Our team of white hats and certified cybersecurity specialists is dedicated to providing state-of-the-art Flow smart contract audits, leading to hardened security and optimized performance for your Flow project. Our auditors stay intimately familiar with the latest Cadence coding standards through extensive collaboration within the Flow ecosystem.
    $ B
    Vulnerabilities Identified
    High Impact Findings
    Benefits Of Flow Smart Contract Audit


    Unique use cases at times attract zero day vulnerabilities beyond Automated tests. Our security engineers leverage advanced techniques like fuzzing & formal verification to tackle unique vulnerabilities specific to your project. 5+ years of experience keeps us at the cutting edge of blockchain security.

    Performance Optimization

    We go beyond security, optimizing your code for blazing-fast transactions, lower gas fees, and a seamless user experience.

    Community Trust

    A successful BlockApex Audit Certification acts as a security badge of honor. Attract investors & users with confidence, fostering a vibrant community around your project.

    Time & Cost Efficiency

    Get a clear timeline & upfront pricing tailored to your project’s complexity. Our auditors collaborate closely, delivering actionable insights to solidify your project.


    The process is initiated with code freeze and gathering documentation i.e., codebase, whitepaper, etc. to give us a clear picture of your project.
    Automated & dynamic Testing
    We use industry-leading security tools to analyze your code for vulnerabilities across different blockchain languages.
    Line-By-Line Code Review
    Our security experts meticulously examine every line of your code, identifying security weaknesses and opportunities for gas optimization.
    Initial Report
    We provide a draft report with findings and suggestions for fixing the issues. We work with you to implement the fixes and ensure no new problems arise
    Publish Final Audit Report
    Once the fixes are reviewed, we deliver the final public report, building transparency and trust with investors and users.
    When do you need a Flow Smart contract Audit


    Pre-Listing Audit

    Post-Update Audit

    Upon identifying suspicious activity

    Have Questions?

    Find Answers Here!

    A Flow smart contract audit is crucial for ensuring the security and integrity of your decentralized applications (dApps) on the Flow blockchain. It helps identify and mitigate potential vulnerabilities, protecting both your project and its users.
    BlockApex specializes in Flow smart contract audits, leveraging over 5 years of experience in blockchain security. Our team of certified cybersecurity specialists employs advanced techniques to deliver comprehensive audits tailored to your project's needs.
    The duration of a Flow smart contract audit depends on factors such as the complexity of the contract and the scope of the audit. However, we work closely with you upfront to define a clear audit timeline and strive to complete the process efficiently without compromising quality.
    Our experienced security engineers utilize advanced techniques such as fuzzing, formal verification, and other methods tailored to your project's requirements. With our expertise, we prioritize comprehensive solutions to address any vulnerabilities effectively.
    Certainly, we can provide you with a detailed breakdown of the cost structure, outlining the fees associated with each stage of the audit process. Simply contact us to discuss these notions.
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    Get in touch to secure your smart contracts today!